• Mad Gleam Press

When your mother texts, "The end is near"

Updated: Jul 3, 2020

Meeting point (5.5x8in., etching) & j'en ai rêvé (8x11in., spraypaint monoprint)

The End Is Near These are the last days. Serotonin uptake is  at an all-time high.  And the end is near. Can you imagine your life  without grocery stores? And the end is here. Breaking News: architect of   dangerous narratives. Climate change is here. We were the medicine that attacked the earth’s lungs. All the pain ends here.  Opioid of the masses.   Do no harm. Hardly. Stay inside your home. Social distancing in the age of viral vids. Wear a mask in case of: germs, tear gas, the impulse to shop or riot. The solution’s clear: Did you try turning it off and back on again? Peak oil is here. The mannequin party gets  crashed by test dummies.


Claire DG is a visual poet, artist and writer, a designer, a French teacher, and the Artistic Director of Mad Gleam Press.

Craig Kite is a New York poet and visual artist published by various presses, such as Great Weather For MEDIA, Three Rooms Press, NYSIA Press, Gambazine, Nomadic Press and Other Rooms Press. He is co-editor/contributor for Poetrybay.com and co-founder of Mad Gleam Press. He has a background in journalism and lived and worked in Iraq, Mexico, Guatemala and Canada publishing human rights reports and articles in Signs of the Times for Christian Peacemaker Teams. He is also a vocalist in the band Heads on sticks.

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